In the Kitchen with Rasakeli - Ayurvedic Cooking

This new year I made a promise to myself to explore 1 new recipe a week. I admit I’m a little behind and was lacking inspiration. Rasakeli came to the rescue with an ayurvedic cooking class series with recipes and foods appropriate for the season.


Her class began at Atma Bhakti Center just as my yoga for wellness class finished up – making it a true yoga + ayurveda day! She shared the ingredient list and began telling the story of how and why she came to ayurveda as a result of digestive imbalance, governed by a modern lifestyle. While her Western physician was unable to deliver a remedy, her ayurvedic physician had her turned around within weeks. From that healing experience, a practitioner was born again!


In her class I learned some general kitchen tips on how to keep chopped veggies fresh (keep them in water to reduce oxidization), and I watched how she was able to transform simple beans, rice, and veggies into so many varieties and forms. The 2-hour workshop ended in a delightful lunch that included freshly made herbal digestive tea, lentil soup, coconut chutney, and a veggie stuffed pancake made from lentil and rice flour.


She presented her selection of spices with helpful explanations and an herb & spice guide to illustrate the healing benefits of everyday ingredients found in the store, including cumin, coriander, ginger, turmeric, fenugreek, star anise, nutmeg, fennel, and more. I felt like I was learning magic when she showed us how to tame a tamarind, and outlined when and how to use it


I’m excited to attend the next session and am reminded of what my friend Shana said who also attended: ‘never come to a cooking class hungry’. I’m not sure if it was because I was so hungry, or because it was so amazing, but I went back for seconds. I was so inspired I came home and transcribed the recipes and methods into my ‘recipe goals’ journal and will practice the techniques this week for healthier work lunches and fresh, easy, healing meals!

Spice Guide:

  • Black Pepper - this king of spices boosts metabolism, promotes weight loss, helps relieve symptoms associated with cough and cold, and can help treat certain skin problems.

  • Cumin - aids in digestions and immunity.

  • Coriander (you may know it as cilantro seed) - improves digestion, supports live and kidney function, is an antioxidant.

  • Cardamom - rich in Vitamin A, Vitamin C, calcium, iron, zinc. This sweet spice aids in digestion, heart health, helps to fight depression, asthma, and diabetes.

  • Cinnamon - helps to lower blood pressure and offers antioxidant and acts as an ant-inflammatory aid.

  • Fennel - great dietary fiber this spice is a little sweet and helps alleviate constipation and bloating. Rich in antioxidants, it helps fight aging and reduce neurological dieseases.

  • Fenugreek - smells sweet and offers a bitter taste to improve digestion, libido in men, breast milk in lactating women, is known to reduce inflammation. Best in winter since it can be heating.

  • Ginger - another king of healers in traditional Indian medicine, this root helps reduce nausea, fights common cold and flu symptoms, improves digestion, and adds a vitalizing experience to your health.

  • Mustard Seed - this spice must be heated in oil to release its fragrant spicy flavor. Known to reduce pain, symptoms of arthritis, and stimulate digestion, it’s also good for heart health and helps to lower bad cholesterol. Best used in winter months.

  • Nutmeg - a global sensation, this sweet spice helps detox the liver and is known to improve the texture of your skin. Mixed in warm milk for a nighttime sleep aid.

For more info about Cooking with Rasakeli, visit Atma Bhakti Center
