New Moon Sound Bath at YAM Dallas - is this the new date night?

The room was filled with excited chatter as people filed in with their blankets, pillows, and curiosity. From the next to last row I looked out at the newest community scene in Dallas. True to its name, YAM (Yoga, Art, Music) delivers the full package. Local artists line the wall with intriguing and playful art, including the painted guitars, excellent sound system, and groovy overhead lighting.

I chatted up a few folks to learn that indeed this was their first Sound Bath. When asked what brought them to this first time wellness experience I chuckled at the responses. “I’m here with my girlfriend - she’s done it before and made me come tonight”. Okay! Great job girlfriend! One gentleman admitted he was here with his wife, who had done a ‘15 minute session in California, so we brought our neighbors - like a double date’. People came with friends and solo attendees made new friends. The lovely soul to my left admitted it was her first time, since she was new to the studio, and wanted to experience it all.

Local teachers dotted the room, surrounded by their colleagues, friends, students, and neighbors. It felt reminiscent of couples night at the planetarium, or dating at the Pink Floyd Laser Light Show. Sharing a blanket under the cool blue hue of overhead lights.

Our Sound Host Tanya Hardison explained that she grew up in a musically talented family, and found a great passion by combining her love of yogic wisdom with her natural talent around sounds and music. She led us through a rotating awareness practice to bring deep relaxation to places we didn’t even know were tense, and moved us into the first stages of the deep rest technique called Yoga Nidra योगनिद्रा - the ancient texts of Vedas and Upanishads consider this the deepest state of rest with a slight trace of awareness - a condition where your body is able to heal and rejuvenate.

From a wellness perspective I could definitely tell the benefits from the 50 minute sound session. It quite literally worked to remove toxins overnight while allowing some of my deepest tensions to unwind and soften.

From a social perspective, quite possibly we’ve found the new date night. Whether you’re on one, would like to find one, or even enjoy a solo night of wellness in a welcoming community like me, I’m glad the healing power of sound is so readily available - society could use a few more good vibrations!

Photo Credit - Tara Kristof