Sticking to a healthy routine in times of change

When life gets turbulent, our minds and bodies can be well served by developing or maintaining a healthy routine. Just as the sun rises and falls, a wise and predictable self care routine can support you as the seasons of the year and the seasons of our life experience change.

Below are a few suggestions to help you gain a new habit - try this for 30 days and make note of your progress in your journal or practice diary.

Waking Routine - wake at the same time each day prior to sunrise  to enjoy the peaceful calm of life. Take a deep breath, look at your hands, and gently brush your energy from head to chest. Say a prayer of gratitude. Consider a gentle ear or facial massage. Notice your breath and take 5 gentle and complete inhales and exhales. Set an intention that not only benefits you, but also all of the world. Step out of bed and enjoy your day.

Cleansing Routine - Rinse your face and mouth with cool water. Evacuate bowels and bladder. Scrape your tongue to remove oil based toxins and stimulate digestion. Swish 1 T. sesame oil for 5-15 minutes for healthier teeth, gums and fresher breath. Floss. Brush your teeth - consider Neem toothpaste. The Neti Pot works to cleanse sinus passages and reduce allergies. Drink warm water to cleanse kidney, stomach and colon before taking any other food or coffee to help complete your evacuation process.

Nourishing / Restoring Routine - Consider using Nose Drops (Nasya Oil), Ear Drops, and enjoy a Self-oil Massage (abhyangha). Try a bath or shower with sandalwood soap. Enjoy healthy organic seasonal foods that are simple to digest. Practice mindful eating by turning off TVs, phones and other distractors from your meal. Routine meal times daily support your digestion. Don't skip breakfast! Restore daily with Legs up the Wall, Yoga Nidra / Guided Relaxation, Pranayama (breath training), Yin / Deep Stretch, or Restorative postures.

Fitness Routine - Physical stretches and movement is good for everyone. Go for a walk, use the stairs - get your heart rate up each day. For the yogis in the crowd: Slow Sun Salutes for Vata / Butterfly People. Moon Salutes for Pitta / Tiger People, Fast Sun Salutes for Kapha / Teddy Bear People.

Mental Fitness - Mindfulness is being in the present moment - not remembering or ruminating, not imagining or creating anxious scenarios, but actually being aware of your 5 senses and your surroundings, including your thoughts, desires, and how you’re showing up. Mindfulness helps you focus on one thing at a time - a one pointed mo=ind leads to a mind that enjoys meditation. Meditation is a state beyond the external senses, ancient texts and teachers reveal an illumined intelligence beyond learned behavior and memories. Begin a practice at the same time, every day - even if it’s 3 minutes - this is how we start! For the yogis, try 3 mins. Alternate Nostril for Vata, 7 rounds cooling or Bumblebee breath for Pitta, 10 rapid Bellow Breath for Kapha. Meditation for all! Vata consider meditation on the breath, building roots, or fire at navel. Pitta meditation on breath, compassion and surrender, Kapha meditation on breath, heart, fire at navel.

Bedtime Routine - cleanse mouth, face and hands. Go to bed at the same time each night. Enjoy a technology cleanse - all devices off and away 30 minutes prior to bedtime. Bed should be clean, clear of clutter, with clean air. Yoga Nidra / Guided Relaxation, Legs up the Wall can help ease you into a more peaceful rest. Recall the highlights of your day. Give thanks. Meditation on the breath and intention to sleep well in health and peace can help you develop a better sleep pattern.

Build your personal playlist of self love and care! When you have extra time on your hands, give extra attention to your pieces, parts and heart!

Example of a simple daily ritual:

  1. Routine Wake Time

  2. Massage Face and jaw

  3. Scrape Tongue

  4. Pranayama / Breath Training

  5. Meditation

  6. 10 Moon Salutes / other exercise

  7. Bedtime Yoga Nidra or Guided Meditation

Build a new Morning Ritual:

  1. Routine Wake up

  2. Prayer and Gratitude

  3. Scrape the Tongue

  4. Oil Pulling

  5. Oil Massage the body - or at least the joints!

  6. Neti Pot for clean sinus passages

  7. Pranayama / Breath Training

Develop your afternoon health break:

  1. Stretches to loosen shoulders and hips

  2. Pranayama / Alternate Nostril Breathing

  3. Short Yoga Nidra or Meditation to re-boot for the afternoon

Bedtime can be better:

  1. Routine bedtime

  2. Technology fast

  3. Gratitude journal

  4. Oil Massage - at least the scalp and soles of the feet

  5. Lunar Pranayama (inhale in left, exhale out right. Repeat 7-10 times)

  6. Yoga Nidra or bedtime meditation

There’s no better time than now to practice routine health practices! You deserve it!

Photo by Zoltan Tasi on Unsplash